On A Markov Chain Approximation Method for Option Pricing with Regime Switching
Kun Fan,Yang Shen,Tak Kuen Siu,Rongming Wang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3934/jimo.2016.12.529
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Abstract:In this paper, we discuss a Markov chain approximation method to price European options, American options and barrier options in a Markovian regime-switching environment. The model parameters are modulated by a continuous-time, finite-state, observable Markov chain, whose states represent the states of an economy. After selecting an equivalent martingale measure by the regime-switching Esscher transform, we construct a discrete-time, inhomogeneous Markov chain to approximate the dynamics of the logarithmic stock price process. Numerical examples and empirical analysis are used to illustrate the practical implementation of the method.