The nature of the substances adsorbed on the surface of the fat globules in cow's milk. (Preliminary Report).
L. S. Palmer,E. Samuelson
Experimental Biology and Medicine
Abstract:It is possible to account for the emulsion character of the fat in milk and cream both on theoretical grounds, because of the abundant presence of hydrophilic colloids in milk plasma, and on experimental grounds, because milk plasma (skim milk) readily stabilizes emulsions of oils and fats foreign to milk. However, a number of investigators, beginning with Danilewski and Raden-hausen, 1 have attempted to isolate the emulsifying substance from milk. Storch 2 concluded, as the result of extensive experiments, that a special substance, a mucin-like protein, is involved. Völtz and Abderhalden 3 and Völtz 4 decided against the existence of a special substance because of the wide variety of products of varying proportions isolated by them. More recently Bredenberg, 5 who, like Völtz, gives a very complete review of the literature, concluded that a mixture of protein, mucous and fatty substances, including calcium soaps, constitutes the so-called membrane around the fat globules. By using for the most part physical methods of isolation and purification, except for the fractionation of the final product by solvents, we have secured the following results. When cream was repeatedly diluted with distilled water and recovered by centrifugal separation until the washings no longer give a Fehling's and biuret test, the cream was still a highly stable emulsion. This cream, however, readily formed butter on churning, the buttermilk from which had the appearance of dilute skim milk. A similar fluid was obtained by gently washing the melted butter with warm water until the melted fat rose as a clear liquid. We have assumed that both the buttermilk and butter washings contained the substances which adhered most closely to the surface of the fate globules in the original cream.
medicine, research & experimental