Exploration on the Theoretical Basis of Photovoice Research Method: Focusing on Concepts and Characteristics, Theoretical Grounds, Research Procedures, and Validity
Youngbeom Oh,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30940/jqi.2023.9.1.1
Korean Association for Qualitative Inquiry
Abstract:This study is to build the theoretical foundation of the photovoice research method that has recently emerged. First, the concept and characteristics of photovoice were examined while illuminating the early studies of Wang and Burris, who first suggested the term ‘photovoice’. Second, Freire’s critical consciousness education theory, feminism, and documentary photography, which are the theoretical basis of photovoice, were reviewed. Third, the 8-step photovoice research procedure mentioned by Latz (2017) was presented. For the photovoice research process, papers published at home and abroad were used as examples to help readers understand. Fourth, as three strategies to secure validity in photovoice research, triangulation through additional data collection centered on photographs, reality and truthfulness of photos, and guarantee of subjectivity of research participants were proposed.
This study is expected to contribute to the vitalization of photovoice research, which is gradually expanding its scope of application in various academic fields such as social welfare, nursing, women’s studies, and education. Finally, four implications of this study were discussed. First, this study serves as a useful guideline for researchers who want to conduct photovoice research. Second, Photovoice opened up the possibility of bringing the voices of the marginalized to the surface. Third, democratization of knowledge production can be spread through Photovoice. Fourth, photovoice can be a useful way to reinforce practical knowledge.