Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Cybercrime in India and Strategies for Prevention
Dr. Jyoti Singh
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.53624
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Abstract:Abstract: Cybercrime refers to criminal activities that either target computers or networks such as hacking, phishing, and spamming, or involve the use of computer to commit offensive and illegal activities, such as hate crimes and child pornography. The research aims to explore the evolving landscape of cybercrime in India along with Indian cybercrime statistics, motives behind cybercrimes like fraud, extortion, sexual exploitation, terrorist activities, Inciting Hate against Country, Sale Purchase illegal drugs, etc. In addition, the paper will delve into specific types of cybercrime, unique challenges, and strategies for prevention of same. The paper investigates cybercrimes reported in India from 2016 to 2020 under the IT Act 2000 and Indian Penal Code (IPC), identifying both persistent and emerging types of cybercrimes, Police, and court Disposal of Cyber Crime Cases. The research design for this study will be a review type and will use both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques to present a bibliographic overview of the evolving landscape of cybercrime in India. The data analysis process will involve using statistical techniques to summarize the data and present it in a meaningful way. The findings of this research will be useful for policymakers, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders in the fight against cybercrime in India. This article will serve as the data set for various studies associated with the digital forensic investigations