Visualization of “The Tale of Genji”
Mayumi INAMI,Yoshifuru SAITO,Kiyoshi HORII,Hisako HOSOI,Takayuki YAMAGATA,Nobuyuki FUJISAWA,Yuichi MURAI,Miyuki YAMADA,Ichiro KUMAGAI
Journal of the Visualization Society of Japan
Abstract:“The Tale of Genji” is a classic literature written in the early 11th century, and has many mysteries such as the author and sequence of working out. This paper demonstrates three visualization techniques of literatures for “The Tale of Genji”: discrete wavelets multi-resolution analysis, text mining for statistical analysis, and story visualization scheme. The discrete wavelets multi-resolution analysis visualizes the variation of the narration by using auxiliary verbs of “Ta-form” and “Ru-form.” A text mining of auxiliary verbs and feature extraction using the Hayashi’s quantification method are applied to visualize the difference between the volumes. The story visualization scheme by the keyword-based statistical analysis succeeds in showing its general features of the story patterns with elegant, sublime, and beautiful atmosphere of the story.