Axial-DeepLab: Stand-Alone Axial-Attention for Panoptic Segmentation

Huiyu Wang,Yukun Zhu,Bradley Green,Hartwig Adam,Alan Yuille,Liang-Chieh Chen
Abstract:Convolution exploits locality for efficiency at a cost of missing long range context. Self-attention has been adopted to augment CNNs with non-local interactions. Recent works prove it possible to stack self-attention layers to obtain a fully attentional network by restricting the attention to a local region. In this paper, we attempt to remove this constraint by factorizing 2D self-attention into two 1D self-attentions. This reduces computation complexity and allows performing attention within a larger or even global region. In companion, we also propose a position-sensitive self-attention design. Combining both yields our position-sensitive axial-attention layer, a novel building block that one could stack to form axial-attention models for image classification and dense prediction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on four large-scale datasets. In particular, our model outperforms all existing stand-alone self-attention models on ImageNet. Our Axial-DeepLab improves 2.8% PQ over bottom-up state-of-the-art on COCO test-dev. This previous state-of-the-art is attained by our small variant that is documentclass[12pt]{minimal}usepackage{amsmath}usepackage{wasysym}usepackage{amsfonts}usepackage{amssymb}usepackage{amsbsy}usepackage{mathrsfs}usepackage{upgreek}setlength{oddsidemargin}{-69pt}egin{document}$$3.8 imes $$end{document} parameter-efficient and documentclass[12pt]{minimal}usepackage{amsmath}usepackage{wasysym}usepackage{amsfonts}usepackage{amssymb}usepackage{amsbsy}usepackage{mathrsfs}usepackage{upgreek}setlength{oddsidemargin}{-69pt}egin{document}$$27 imes $$end{document} computation-efficient. Axial-DeepLab also achieves state-of-the-art results on Mapillary Vistas and Cityscapes.
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