The cultivation of critical thinking skills of college students in English classroom
Region - Educational Research and Reviews
Abstract:In this rapidly developing knowledge-based economy, critical thinking skills have become one of the key competencies in talent development. English, as the bridge for global communication, plays a vital role not only in imparting language skills, but also in cultivating critical thinking abilities in the classroom. This paper aims to explore the cultivation of critical thinking skills among college students in English classrooms, by analyzing the concept and core characteristics of critical thinking, elucidating the importance of fostering this capability in English teaching, and proposing specific approaches and methods for cultivation. By prioritizing the development of critical thinking skills in English classrooms, designing course content that promotes critical thinking, and implementing effective teaching strategies, it is possible to significantly enhance the critical thinking abilities of college students. This not only contributes to their academic success, but also equips them with a competitive edge for their future careers.