Professional education as a way to discover the multi-dimensional integrity of a human
Valentina Vasilievna Barkova,Natalya Vladimirovna Mamylina,Natalia Viktorovna Uvarina,Shakhrudi Shagidovich Bechiev,Anfisa Vyacheslavovna Vorozheikina,Alexey Viktorovich Savchenkov,,,,,,
Science for Education Today
Abstract:Introduction. Currently, professional education is not often based on the natural inclinations of a person, their development with subsequent extrapolation into the chosen field of activity, which is not just the main scientific problem in the qualitative preparation of professionals, but also does not allow a comprehensive mapping of the natural multidimensional integrity of a person, its large-scale deployment of its natural essence in one or another sphere of social activities and the inter-sphere space in which a person will have to grow professionally, develop, build themselves and their life prospects. The article presents a theoretical overview of the genesis of professional education in various historical epochs, starting from the earliest civilizations of the world to the present time, in a philosophical and cultural context. According to the authors, this review will serve as a theoretical basis for understanding the peculiarities of the formation of professional education in Russia, ways to reform it at the present time, search for promising areas of these transformations, the emergence of innovative professions, professional goal-setting, the development and implementation of multidimensional manifestations of the natural integrity of human inclinations as a subject of professional activity, improving the quality of their life and satisfaction with the profession. The research purpose of the article is to analyze the philosophical and cultural genesis of the formation of professional education system in the history of human existence. The position is substantiated that professional education should be one of the ways to reveal the multidimensional integrity of human natural inclinations, and the profession should be considered as an independent occupation, determined firstly by the natural origin, and secondly by the social division of labor operations, social challenges and orders. This requires special technologies and through evidence-based pedagogy – to get access to educational practice, in which decisions on the application of educational approaches and methods of professionalization are made based on the available evidence of their effectiveness, and such evidence is searched, compared, generalized. Materials and Methods. The methodological basis of the research is based on philosophical, cultural and systemic approaches. The theoretical and methodological support in the construction of the material was the dialectical method, which contributes to the objective grasp of the concrete historical circumstances of human existence in the context of professional formation. Methods used by the authors include comparative historical, deductive, chronological ones, as well as generalization and analysis. Results. The main results presented in the article are philosophical, cultural and socio-philosophical analyses of the genesis of professional education and revealing its specific socio-cultural features in the comparative context of social development in various historical civilizations. For the first time, the formation of professional education into an independent social phenomenon and its institutionalization, the evolution of professionalism on the example of ancient China, Greece, and Rome are described in a generalized form. The analysis of the origin of the phenomenon of professional education in Europe, professional activities reflecting public concerns and achievements, stating the key aspects of the interaction of education with the socio-cultural code of the era, is of research value. Attention is focused on professional education in the Middle Ages since the advent of manufactories, as well as innovations of the Enlightenment. The conducted philosophical and cultural analysis of the formation of professional education in the world served as a prerequisite for analyzing its development in Russia, starting from the reign of Peter the Great to the present. At the same time, the need for the formation of a fundamentally new concept of professional l education based on the consideration of human natural inclinations, rethinking the concept of professional education from ontological, axiological, praxiological and other positions is emphasized. Conclusions. The analysis of the formation of the professional education system in various epochs, from the ancient world to the present, allowed the authors to substantiate the position that professional education should be based on the natural inclinations of a person, their abilities and capabilities and act as one of the ways to actualize their multidimensional integrity and social self-sufficiency. It is recorded that at different stages of formation, professional education acts as a phenomenon of a specific type of activity, contributing to human self-fulfillment in a dynamically changing world. In this regard, the dominant role belongs to understanding and evidence-based pedagogics and their methodological developments aimed at the formation of professional activity of a person.