Optimization of Snail (Achatina fulica) Mucus Gel Formula with CMC-Na as a Gelling Agent Healing Periodontitis
I Gusti Agung Ayu Putu Swastini*,Gusti Ayu Ratih Kusuma Ratna Dewi,Ida Ayu Made Sri Arjani
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13005/bpj/2943
Abstract:The content of snail (Achatina fulica) mucus chemical compounds that have been tested by researchers quantitatively are: Heparan Sulfate 16.45 mg/100 g, Acharan Sulfate 21.33 mg/100 mg, Acahtin isolate 36.06 mg/100 mg, Ca2+ Ion 86.12 mg/100 g, Beta Agglutinin 58.22 mg/100 g, Achasin Protein 102.22 mg/100 g, Glycokonyugat 8.86 mg/100 g, qualitatively snail mucus gel contains chemical substances contained in snail mucus gel are: Allantoin, Collagen, Elastin, Glicolic, Vit A and and C, Antibiotic peptide, Protein, Enzyme, Hyaluronic Acid, Copper Peptide, Antimicrobial peptide, Iron, Zinc, Proteoglycans. The purpose of this study was to obtain the optimal concentration of Na CMC as a gelling agent in the manufacture of snail mucus gel, obtain the optimal formula from the optimal formula variation, make a snail mucus gel preparation that serves as a cure drug for periodontitis, test snail mucus gel with optimum concentration in rats for the treatment of periodontitis. Research methods: true experimental laboratorium, determination, preparation of snail mucus chemical compounds, optimization and determination of Na CMC, optimization and determination of glycerin, optimization and determination of sodium lauryl sulfate and snail mucus preparation formula. The results of the study obtained optimization of gel preparations with three kinds of concentrations, namely 5%, 7.5%, and 10%, obtained the results of the stability test of the preparation declared stable, tasteless organoleptical viscous liquid, pH 6.75; 6.81; 6.88; 6.79; 6.79; 6.84 evenly distributed 5.6; 6.1; 6.5; 6.79; 6.79; 6.84; adhesion 12.45g/cm2; 15.80: g/cm2 ; 17.20; 12.50; 12.50;17.50; 17.20; 20.40; 15.40; 15.40; 20.05 viscosity 17.50; 17.20; 20.40; 15.40; 15.40; 20.05 cp and turbulent flow type (4050 Reynold), 4100; 4095; 4050; 4050; 4080. The conclusion of this research is the optimal concentration of Na CMC as a gelling agent in the manufacture of snail mucus gel is 10%.