Pelatihan Pembuatan Masker Inovatif Tie Dye Kelompok PKK Kelurahan Dukuh Pakis Surabaya

Novia Ariyanti,Cindy Cahyaning Astuti,Rugaya Meis Andhiarini
Abstract:This community service aims to socialize the slogan 'Remember Mother's Message' to the PKK group of RT 01 RW 01 Kelurahan Dukuh Pakis, training on making tie dye masks, creating business opportunities with branding training and promotion in online media. The method of service activities used there are three stages, namely, the initial stage, the preparation stage, and the evaluation stage. The results achieved by this activity are that PKK mothers can understand the importance of the slogan "Remember Mother's Message" and it is hoped that it can be implemented in the family sphere, understand and be able to make tie dye masks, and be able to make tie dye masks as a family business opportunity. This service activity is very useful for PKK women in Dukuh Pakis Village.
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