Tri Ratnaningsih,Aji Bagus Widyantara
Abstract:ABSTRAKLeukemia megakarioblastik akut (acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, AML-M7) merupakan subtipe AML dengan mayoritas megakarioblas. Kejadian AML-M7 umumnya terjadi pada anak-anak dengan down syndrome. Bayi laki-laki berusia 10 bulan dengan down syndrome rujukan dari RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta datang dengan keterangan klinis prolonged fever suspek keganasan akut hematologi seri mieloid. Pemeriksaan tanda vital nadi 102x/menit, suhu 36,7oC pernafasan 30x/menit. Pemeriksaan fisik: berat badan 7,1 kg, tinggi badan 66,1 cm. Hepar teraba 6 cm bawah arcus costae, limpa Schuffner II. Pemeriksaan laboratorium didapatkan lekositosis, netropenia, dan trombositopenia. Pemeriksaan morfologi darah tepi disimpulkan gambaran suspek keganasan akut seri mieloid. Gambaran aspirasi sumsum tulang mendukung diagnosis leukemia megakarioblastik akut atau acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AML-M7). Beberapa studi pada kelompok pediatrik menemukan sekitar setengah dari semua kasus AML-M7 terjadi pada anak-anak dengan down syndrome. Pada pemeriksaan fisik terdapat adanya organomegali. Pemeriksaan laboratorium didapatkan anemia, lekositosis, netropenia, dan trombositopenia. Pemeriksaan penunjang lain yang mendukung dalam penegakan diagnosis AML-M7 adalah morfologi darah tepi, aspirasi sumsum tulang, dan pengecatan sitokimiawi. Diagnosis acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AML-M7) pada bayi dengan down syndrome. Diagnosis didasarkan gambaran klinis, anamnesis (alloanamnesa), pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan laboratorium, dan pemeriksaan penunjang lainnya.Kata Kunci: Acute megakaryoblastic Leukemia, AML-M7, Bayi, Syndrome DownABSTRACTAcute megakaryoblastic Leukemia (AML-M7) is a subtype of AML where megakaryoblasts are the majority of the blasts. The incidence of AML-M7 is commonly seen in children with Down syndrome. A 10-month-old male baby with down syndrome, a referral from PKU Muhammadiyah General Hospital Yogyakarta, came with a prolonged fever suspected of acute hematological malignancy in the myeloid series. Vital signs examination of pulse rates: 102x / minute; temperature: 36.7oC; respiration: 30x / minute. On physical examination, the baby weighs 7.1 kgs, with a height of 66.1 cm. The palpable liver was 6 cm below the arcus rib, and the enlargement of the spleen was classified as Schuffner II. Laboratory tests explained leukocytosis, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia. The peripheral blood morphology examination showed suspected acute malignancy with myeloid series. Bone marrow aspiration supported the diagnosis of acute megakaryoblastic Leukemia or acute megakaryoblastic Leukemia (AML-M7). Several studies in the pediatric group found that about half of all AML-M7 cases occurred in children with Down syndrome. On physical examination, there was organomegaly. Laboratory tests showed anemia, leukocytosis, neutropenia, and thrombocytopenia. Other supporting investigations in establishing the diagnosis of AMLM7 were peripheral blood morphology, bone marrow aspiration, and cytochemical staining. A diagnosis of acute megakaryoblastic Leukemia (AML-M7) in infants with Down syndrome. The diagnosis was based on clinical features, history (allo-anamnesis), physical examination, laboratory examination, and other supporting investigations. Keywords: Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, AML-M7, Baby, Down Syndrome
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