Analysis of the Determinants of Economic Growth: An Empirical Study on the EU-28 Countries
Alexandra-Ioana VINTILĂ
Abstract:This paper investigates the impact of determinants on economic growth within the EU-28 countries, over a period of 10 years. The database is collected from the official websites of Eurostat, the World Bank, and The Heritage Foundation, and includes the dependent variable, measured as GDP per capita, signifying the economic growth in the EU-28 countries, as well as the independent variables, namely: government revenue as a percentage of GDP, government expenditure as a percentage of GDP, foreign direct investment as a percentage of GDP, trade openness representing the sum of exports and imports of goods and services, measured as a percentage of GDP, inflation rate measured as consumer price index, unemployment rate, and index of economic freedom. Two models were estimated regarding the impact of influencing factors on economic growth, in which government revenue and government expenditure were separately included. The results of the econometric analysis indicate that both models are statistically valid at a significance level of 1%. Moreover, there is a significant and positive impact of government revenue, government expenditure, trade openness, and index of economic freedom on economic growth, while unemployment rate has a positive influence on GDP per capita in the model with government revenue, and in the model with government expenditure, the impact is negative. Consequently, an increase in government revenue, government expenditure, trade openness, and economic freedom generates economic growth, whereas unemployment can lead to both an increase and a decrease in GDP per capita. At the end of the study, the research results are compared with those obtained in the previous studies presented in the literature review, indicating similar or different results.