Analysis of fire hazard of modern automobile gas cylinder equipment

Алексей Юрьевич Шебеко,Евгений Евгеньевич Простов,Евгений Николаевич Простов,Денис Михайлович Гордиенко
Pozharnaia bezopasnost`
Abstract:Представлено краткое описание автомобильных топливных систем, включающих в себя газобаллонное оборудование (ГБО) различных поколений, рассмотрена эволюция систем ГБО. Проанализированы статистические данные по автомобилям с ГБО, количество и причины пожаров на газобаллонных автомобилях (ГБА), рассчитана средняя частота возникновения пожаров для легковых, грузовых ГБА и автобусов с ГБО. A brief description of automotive fuel systems, including gas cylinder equipment (GCE) of various generations is presented. The evolution of gas cylinder equipment systems is considered. The safety of a gas cylinder is analysed depending on a wide range of factors. The statistics of FGBU VNIIPO on the number of fires in the Russian Federation by types of gas equipment (installations, devices, units), which became the source of the fire, as well as the statistics on causes of fires are presented and reviewed. There are presented the results of calculations concerning the frequency of fire occurrence per year per one vehicle that is in service and operates with CNG or LPG as a motor fuel in Russia due to violation of the rules for design and maintenance of gas equipment. The separate data on vehicles powered by CNG and LPG are not presented, since the existing statistical base on fires does not imply separation of vehicles by types of used gas engine fuel. The specified data are representative for enterprises for storage and maintenance of gas motor fuel vehicles and characterize the fire hazard of GCE, since such causes of fire as arson, violation of the rules for design and maintenance of vehicles, etc. are not actually implemented at the abovementioned enterprises. The data of the National Transportation Statistics of the USA in terms of the ratio of the total number of various vehicles to the number of running on gas engine fuel are considered. Conclusions on the causes of fires on gas cylinder automobile (GBA) are drawn.
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