Thermodynamic Properties of Terbium Tellurides

Samira Z. Imamaliyeva,Dunya M. Babanly,Vladimir P. Zlomanov,Mahammad B. Babanly,Dilgam B. Taghiyev
Kondensirovannye sredy i mezhfaznye granitsy = Condensed Matter and Interphases
Abstract:The paper presents the results of a study of solid-phase equilibria in the Tb–Te system and the thermodynamic properties of terbium tellurides obtained by the methods of electromotive forces and X-ray diffraction analysis. Based on the experimental data, it was established that the TbTe, Tb2Te3, TbTe2 и TbTe3 compounds are formed in the system. For the investigations of the alloys from the two-phase regions TbTe3+Te, TbTe2+TbTe3, and Tb2Te3+TbTe2, the EMF of concentration cells relative to the TbTe electrode was measured. The EMF of concentration cells relative to the terbium electrode was measured for the TbTe+Tb2T3 region. The partial thermodynamic functions of TbTe and Tb in alloys were determined bycombining the EMF measurements of both types in the 300–450 K temperature range, based on which the standard thermodynamic functions of formation and standard entropies of the indicated terbium tellurides were calculated. References1. Jha A. R. 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