How common and dispersal limited are ant-dispersed plants in eastern deciduous forests?

Robert J. Warren,Mike Olejniczak,Adam Labatore,Matt Candeias
Plant Ecology
Abstract:Most plant diversity in eastern deciduous forests occurs in the understory herbaceous layer. Ant-dispersed plants (myrmecochores) reside within that layer, and they often are reported to be a substantial part of understory plant abundance and diversity that is particularly threatened by global change because of their relatively short dispersal distances. Indeed, they are often, but not always, reported to be lacking or absent from young forests where they may fail to re-colonize after extirpation due to their dispersal limitations. Our objective was to characterize the woodland myrmecochorous plant communities across the northern- and southernmost reaches of eastern deciduous forests using vegetation from 2687 plots in 44 U.S. National Parks. We asked whether (a) myrmecochorous plants are a substantial portion of understory herbaceous communities in eastern North American deciduous forests, and (b) if they are particularly dispersal limited relative to other understory herbaceous dispersal guilds. If myrmecochores are notable in abundance and extent in understory herbaceous communities, we expected that they would comprise ~ 30% of the species and ~ 55–60% of the abundance, as reported in the literature. If myrmecochores, as a guild, are more dispersal limited than other dispersal modes (anemochory, autochory, zoochory), we also expected that myrmecochore species richness would be more limited by park age and area than other dispersal guilds because they would take longer to re-colonize. In contrast with the published literature on myrmecochores, our data suggest that myrmecochorous plants are much less common as reported in eastern deciduous understory herbaceous communities (~ 9% of herbaceous species; ~ 12% of herbaceous abundance), but twice as common as the global percentage of myrmecochorous plants (~ 4.5%). We also found that they are not particularly impacted by forest size and fragmentation. Ants appear to disperse myrmecochorous seeds at 1/20th the distance of wind-dispersed plants, but the dispersal distances for myrmecochores are about the same as other animal-dispersed plants and slightly less than gravity-dispersed plants in these same forests. Moreover, our data also suggest that myrmecochores, particularly large-seeded myrmecochores, may not occur in enough abundance to contribute meaningful biomass toward ant diets. Of course, species abundance does not equal species importance, and many keystone species impact ecosystems more than their abundance might suggest. Ant-mediated seed dispersal is a model system for understanding ecological and evolutionary dynamics, and certainly contributes toward understanding the threats of fragmentation and climate change in eastern deciduous forest systems, but they may not be as abundance or threatened as previously reported.
ecology,plant sciences,forestry
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