Lipid droplets and mitochondria are anchored during brown adipocyte differentiation
Liujuan Cui,Ahmed Hammad Mirza,Shuyan Zhang,Bin Liang,Pingsheng Liu
Abstract:<span><strong class="EmphasisTypeBold">Dear Editor,</strong> BAT LDs were then isolated and stained with LipidTOX Green for LDs (Fig. <span class="InternalRef"><a href="#Fig1">1</a></span>B, a and d) and MitoTracker Red for mitochondria (Fig. <span class="InternalRef"><a href="#Fig1">1</a></span>B, b and e) using our previously established methods (Yu et al., <span class="CitationRef"><a href="#CR13">2015</a></span>). The MitoTracker signals were detected on the LipidTOX-stained spherical structures in isolated LDs from both 30 °C and 23 °C BAT (Fig. <span class="InternalRef"><a href="#Fig1">1</a></span>B, c and f, arrows), further confirming that the contact between LDs and mitochondria exists in mouse BAT even persists at 30 °C. Thus, we isolated LDs from mice housed at 30 °C using two centrifugal forces, 2,000 ×<em class="EmphasisTypeItalic">g</em> (L) and 228,000 ×<em class="EmphasisTypeItalic">g</em> (H), to determine if the contact between LDs and mitochondria could be broken by centrifugation as previously reported (Benador et al., <span class="CitationRef"><a href="#CR1">2018</a></span>). Proteins from the cellular fractions were analyzed by silver staining (Fig. <span class="InternalRef"><a href="#Fig1">1</a></span>C, upper panel) and Western blotting (Fig. <span class="InternalRef"><a href="#Fig1">1</a></span>C, lower panel). Silver staining result presented that the protein profiles of LDs obtained by both centrifugations and cytosolic mitochondria (CM) were almost identical (Fig. <span class="InternalRef"><a href="#Fig1">1</a></span>C, upper panel, lanes 1–3). This similarity was confirmed by Western blotting in which mitochondrial proteins were detected at the same level between the two LD preparations and the isolated mitochondria, including VDAC, ATP5B, UCP1, TIM23, PROHIBITIN, and ATP5A (Fig. <span class="InternalRef"><a href="#Fig1">1</a></span>C, lower panel, lanes 1–3). These findings demonstrated that the contact between LDs and mitochondria in brown adipocytes existed at thermoneutral temperature, and that LD-anchored mitochondria (LDAM) could not be separated from LDs by high centrifugal force (228,000 ×<em class="EmphasisTypeItalic">g</em>). These studies suggest that the tight contact between these two organelles is a native property of brown adipocytes.</span>
cell biology