Comparison of the effectiveness of selenium and vitamin E supplementation on the health of the mammary gland of sheep

Milan Vasiľ,František Zigo,Zuzana Lacková,Silvia Ondrašovičová,Ewa Pecka Kielb,Jolanta Bujok
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica
Abstract:Article Details: Received: 2020-10-14 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31 In this study we observed the effect of peroral and parenteral supplementation of Selenium (Se) and vitamin E (VTE) on the selected antioxidant parameters in blood and on the incidence of mastitis in ewes after the first lambing. Of the 350 sheep of Improved Walachian and Lacaune breeds, situated in eastern Slovakia under standard zootechnical and animal hygiene conditions, we selected thirty one-year-old ewes before their first lambing. The ewes were divided into three groups according to the method of supplementation of Se and VTE. The blood samples from vena jugularis were collected on day 30 before lambing (control sampling) and on days 3 and 30 after lambing. Ewes were checked for mastitis on days 10 and 30 after lambing. On the day of the control sampling the ewes from the B1 group were perorally supplemented with 0.3 mg Se/kg/DM in the form of Na2SeO3 and 50 IU/vitamin E/kg/DM, while ewes from the B2 group were injected subcutaneously Se with VTE at a dose of 6.6 mg/Se and 1,000 IU/VTE. Changes in the concentration of Se and VTE in the blood plasma of ewes were determined only in the perorally supplemented group (B1) on day 3 after lambing. At 30 days after lambing the the incidence of mastitis in this group was half as lower (10%) as in the control group (20%). Keywords: sheep, mastitis, supplementation, glutathione peroxidase, selenium, bacteria References Cohen, RD a kol. (1991). Účinky parenterálnej suplementácie tehotných hovädzích kráv selénom / vitamínom E na selén kravy a teľaťa a produktivitu. Konzerva. Vet. Jour . 32,113-115. Grešáková, L. a kol. (2013). Retencia selénu u jahniat kŕmených krmivom doplneným selénom z anorganických zdrojov. Výskum malých prežúvavcov , 111, 76–82. Fthenakis, GC (1995). Kalifornský test na mastitídu a Whitesideov test na diagnostiku subklinickej mastitídy mliečnych bahníc. Výskum malých prežúvavcov, 16, 271–276. Hess, D. et al. (1991). Simultaneous determination of retinol, tocopherols, carotenes and lycopene in plasma by means of high-performance liquid chromatography on reversed phase. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research , 61, 232–238. Kafilzadeh, F. et al.  (2014). Comparing the effect of oral supplementation of vitamin E, injective vitamin E and selenium or both during late pregnancy on production and reproductive performance and immune function of dairy cows and calves. The Scientific World Journal , 5. Misurova, L. et al. (2009). Selenium metabolism in goats – maternal transfer of selenium to newborn kids. Veterinarni Medicina 54, 125–130. Paglia, D. E, Valentine, W. N. (1967). Studies on the quantitative and qualitative characterization of erytrocyte glutathione peroxidase. The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine , 70, 158–169. Persson, W. K. et al. (2007). Supplementation of RRR-alpha-tocopheryl acetate to periparturient dairy cows in commercial herds with high mastitis incidence. Journal of Dairy Science , 90, 3640–3646. Pavlata, L. et al. (2002). Selenium status of cattle in the Czech Republic. Acta Veterinaria Brno , 71, 3–8. Pavlata, l. et al. (2012). Direct and indirect assessment of selenium status in sheep – a comparison. Veterinarni Medicina , 57, 219–223. Smith, K. L. et al. (1997). Dietary vitamin E and selenium affect mastitis and milk quality. Journal of Animal Science , 75, 1659–1665. Spears, J. W., Weiss, W. P. (2008).  Role of antioxidants and trace elements in health and immunity of transition dairy cows. The Veterinary Journal , 176, 70–76. Vasiľ, M. a kol. (2018). Patogény stožiar izolované izolované od vzoriek mlieka v chove oviec nachádzajúcich sa v okrajových častiach Slovenska. V infekčné a parazitárne choroby zvierat, 6. ročník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie , 13.-14. Septembra, Košice. s. 244–248. ISBN 978-80-8077-583-4
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