Impact of gamification and experiential learning on achievement in mathematics among learners with hearing impairment in Lagos State, Nigeria

Samuel Adeniyi,Olaotan Kuku
African Journal of Educational Studies in Mathematics and Sciences
Abstract:There had been mixed observations about the ability and achievement of learners with hearing impairment. However, there are consensus that impactful teaching effort could aid in stimulating innovative approaches in teaching and learning of mathematics of learners particularly among learners with hearing impairment. This study seeks to appraise the impact of gamification and experiential learning on achievement in mathematics among learners with hearing impairment in Lagos State, Nigeria. The study population comprised learners with hearing impairment in Lagos State. Purposive and simple random sampling were used to select sample of 24 learners. The research design used was quasi-experimental pretest posttest traditional method group. Mathematics Knowledge Check (MKC) was used to collect data and the data collected were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, mean difference and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study found out that achievement in Mathematics differs as a result of exposing learners with hearing impairment to gamification and experiential learning methods of instruction. Besides, the study observed that the two interventions benefit were of benefit to male and female learners with hearing impairment. The employment of gamification and experiential learning instructional strategy was recommended for mathematics lessons of learners with hearing impairment.
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