Sea-Level Rise and the North China Coastal Plain: A Preliminary Analysis
Ming Han,Lun Wu,Jianjun Hou,C. Liu,Guosong Zhao,Z. Zhang
Abstract:HHHHHHBHHHHHHHH^HHHH^H HAN, M.; WU, L.; HOU, J.; LIU, C; ZHAO, G., and ZHANG, Z., 1995. Sea-level rise and the North China coastal plain: A preliminary analysis. Journal of Coastal Research, SI No. 14,132-150. Fort Lauderdale (Florida). ISSN 0749-0208. The North China Coastal Plain is the second most important coastal area in China and includes Tianjin (the third city of China). This area has an expanding industrial infrastructure and inten sive agriculture and aquaculture. The plain is already subject to a number of coastal hazards, in cluding rapid land subsidence ? locally up to 5 cm/yr (1983-1988), saltwater intrusion, flooding and erosion. Most of these problems have an anthropogenic component. Dikes already provide some protection to most of the coastal plain, although flooding during extreme events remains a problem. The threat of accelerated sea-level rise must be viewed in the context of these existing prob lems. The coastal plain is physically vulnerable to sea-level rise. Assuming a one-meter rise in rel ative sea level combined with a 100-year storm surge and no upgrade of protection, an area between 19,900 and 23,900 km2 would be underwater. This area presently contains 14 cities and counties and a population of about 10.7 million. However, if sea level rises, protection will be almost cer tainly upgraded as demonstrated by the active and planned responses to existing coastal hazards. The problems of global sea-level rise needs to be considered in the context of long-term planning. An immediate problem is the high rates of relative sea-level rise and other problems due to rapid coastal subsidence. Policies are required to reduce these subsidence rates as quickly as possible. ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS: Inundation, coastal flooding, salinization, deltas, river man agement, erosion, sediment supply, subsidence, relative sea-level rise.