Castration and alternatives in pig: advantages and disadvantages

Terézia Hegerová
Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica
Abstract:Article Details: Received: 2020-07-07 | Accepted: 2020-11-05 | Available online: 2021-03-31 This article reviews the advantages and disadvantages of various alternatives to the surgical castration of piglets. Producers use castrations against boar taint which is present in the meat. Alternative methods could be immunocastration, production with entire male pigs or castration with anesthesia and/or analgesia. Production with entire male pigs means to feed pigs to lower carcasses, as the boar taint is very low at that time. But this method is not suitable for all especially If pigs need to be fattened up to 180-200 kg. Castration with anesthesia and analgesia reduces pain and is suitable for welfare but the cost of anesthesia and analgesia is high for some producers. The expense of immunocastration is also higher than for entire pigs but advantages of this method are higher meat percentage, better carcass quality, improved feed conversion ratio. 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