GAUGE: the GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer
G. Amelino-Camelia,K. Aplin,M. Arndt,J. D. Barrow,R. J. Bingham,C. Borde,P. Bouyer,M. Caldwell,A. M. Cruise,T. Damour,P. D’Arrigo,H. Dittus,W. Ertmer,B. Foulon,P. Gill,G. D. Hammond,J. Hough,C. Jentsch,U. Johann,P. Jetzer,H. Klein,A. Lambrecht,B. Lamine,C. Lämmerzahl,N. Lockerbie,F. Loeffler,J. T. Mendonca,J. Mester,W.-T. Ni,C. Pegrum,A. Peters,E. Rasel,S. Reynaud,D. Shaul,T. J. Sumner,S. Theil,C. Torrie,P. Touboul,C. Trenkel,S. Vitale,W. Vodel,C. Wang,H. Ward,A. Woodgate
Abstract:The GAUGE (GrAnd Unification and Gravity Explorer) mission proposes to use a drag-free spacecraft platform onto which a number of experiments are attached. They are designed to address a number of key issues at the interface between gravity and unification with the other forces of nature. The equivalence principle is to be probed with both a high-precision test using classical macroscopic test bodies, and, to lower precision, using microscopic test bodies via cold-atom interferometry. These two equivalence principle tests will explore string-dilaton theories and the effect of space–time fluctuations respectively. The macroscopic test bodies will also be used for intermediate-range inverse-square law and an axion-like spin-coupling search. The microscopic test bodies offer the prospect of extending the range of tests to also include short-range inverse-square law and spin-coupling measurements as well as looking for evidence of quantum decoherence due to space–time fluctuations at the Planck scale.