Data Storage Research Vision 2025: Report on NSF Visioning Workshop held May 30--June 1, 2018
George Amvrosiadis,Ali R Butt,Vasily Tarasov,Erez Zadok,Ming Zhao,Irfan Ahmad,Remzi H Arpaci-Dusseau,Feng Chen,Yiran Chen,Yong Chen,Yue Cheng,Vijay Chidambaram,Dilma Da Silva,Angela Demke-Brown,Peter Desnoyers,Jason Flinn,Xubin He,Song Jiang,Geoff Kuenning,Min Li,Carlos Maltzahn,Ethan L Miller,Kathryn Mohror,Raju Rangaswami,Narasimha Reddy,David Rosenthal,Ali Saman Tosun,Nisha Talagala,Peter Varman,Sudharshan Vazhkudai,Avani Waldani,Xiaodong Zhang,Yiying Zhang,Mai Zheng
Abstract:With the emergence of new computing paradigms (eg, cloud and edge computing, big data, Internet of Things (IoT), deep learning, etc.) and new storage hardware (eg, non-volatile memory (NVM), shingled-magnetic recording (SMR) disks, and kinetic drives, etc.), a number of open challenges and research issues need to be addressed to ensure sustained storage systems efficacy and performance. The wide variety of applications demand that the fundamental design of storage systems should be revisited to support application-specific and application-defined semantics. Existing standards and abstractions need to be reevaluated; new sustainable data representations need to be designed to support emerging applications. To take advantage of hardware advancements, new storage software designs are also necessary in order to maximize overall system efficiency and performance.Therefore, there is a urgent …