Pattern description of the ground state properties of the
one-dimensional axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising model in a transverse field
Yun-Tong Yang,Hong-Gang Luo
Abstract: The description and understanding of the consequences of competing interactions in various systems, both classical and quantum, are notoriously difficult due to insufficient information involved in conventional concepts, for example, order parameters and/or correlation functions. Here we go beyond these conventional language and present a pattern picture to describe and understand the frustration physics by taking the one-dimensional (1D) axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising (ANNNI) model in a transverse field as an example. The system is dissected by the patterns, obtained by diagnonalizing the model Hamiltonian in an operator space with a finite lattice size $4n$ ($n$: natural number) and periodic boundary condition. With increasing the frustration parameter, the system experiences successively various phases/metastates, identified respectively as those with zero, two, four, $\cdots$, $2n$ domains/kinks, where the first is the ferromagnetic phase and the last the antiphase. Except for the ferromagnetic phase and antiphase, the others should be metastates, whose transitions are crossing over in nature. The results clarify the controversial issues about the phases in the 1D ANNNI model and provide a starting point to study more complicated situations, for example, the frustration systems in high dimensions.