Ukrainian Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract:Problem statement. Modern experience in designing rehabilitation facilities is very small and isrepresented mainly by mobile hospitals. The complexity and multivisibility of the considered problem indicates theneed for its further in-depth study. From the given material it is possible to draw a conclusion that architecture today isredirected to fast change of processes of clearing, the technological equipment.Purpose of the article. The article aims to solve the following tasks:− to conduct a retrospective analysis, to determine the temporary stages of formation and development of medicalinstitutions with a rehabilitation function;− to analyze domestic and foreign design experience;− identify factors influencing the formation of institutions with a rehabilitation function;− to conduct a comparative analysis of modern requirements for the design and construction of rehabilitationcenters in Europe, the United States, Russia, Ukraine, Syria.Conclusion. 1. It is established that the prerequisites for the establishment of rehabilitation centers were thefollowing: The number of disabled people is currently increasing among adults in Syria and Ukraine, as well as in mostcountries around the world, which in recent years has been developing dynamically medical systems for the treatmentof disabled people.Український журнал будівництва та архітектури, No 4 (004), 2021, ISSN (Print) 2710-0367, ISSN (Online) 2710-0375 66 2. It is determined that in the foreign approach to the rehabilitation of the disabled, special conditions are createdfor post-clinical treatment in the departments of clinics, hospitals and specialized centers. The study of foreign designexperience revealed the consistent development of the concept of creating a rehabilitation environment. It is determinedthat the block system of layout of buildings of the rehabilitation center prevails in foreign experience. The originalcorridor planning system of buildings of medical institutions, including rehabilitation centers, gave way to a neutraltype of recreational space.3. Modern experience in designing rehabilitation facilities is very limited and is represented mainly by mobilehospitals, after which, if necessary, the patient is transferred or to a military hospital, obsolete for decades of operation,to a general rehabilitation center where patients are treated for injuries.4. The complexity and multidimensionality of the problem indicates the need and feasibility of its further in-depthstudy.5. From the above we can conclude that today's architecture of ZMR is reoriented to the rapid change of processingprocesses and technological equipment. When designing complex hospital care systems, there is a desire to achievetheir maximum efficiency.6. Rehabilitation centers and hospitals are filled with various elements of infrastructure. They becomemultifunctional. Obviously, there is a tendency to turn the strict walls of hospitals into comfortable ones with complexinteriors.7. The planning structure of medical buildings is also changing. The use of corridor planning systems is decliningas they have become less convenient.8. Therefore, in order to implement the rehabilitation center and for its effective functioning in Ukraine, it isnecessary: at the legislative and practical levels to create rehabilitation departments in all hospitals, where highlyspecialized and formed rehabilitation teams will work; to translate the training of rehabilitation specialists into thehealth care system, as is the case, at least in the United States and European countries. In addition, there must befinancial support for the reform from the state.