Impact of School Policies on Student Discipline in Fort Portal Municipality, Kabalore District
Silaji Turyamureeba,,Richard Kaizire,
Abstract:This cross-sectional survey investigates the attitudes, opinions, and experiences of teachers, students, and head teachers regarding school policies' influence on student discipline in Fort Portal Municipality's secondary schools, Kabalore District. The study's objective is to identify the effects of school policies, causes of student indiscipline, and the role of school administration in shaping discipline. A sample size of 210 respondents was selected using purposive and random sampling techniques. Data collection involved structured questionnaires and face-to-face interviews, employing both primary and secondary data sources. Statistical analysis using SPSS and qualitative descriptive analysis revealed intriguing insights. A comprehensive survey encompassing the distribution of respondents by sex, marital status, and age bracket was conducted, revealing intriguing demographic trends. A robust exploration was undertaken to discern the influence of school policies on student discipline, eliciting responses from diverse stakeholders including teachers, head teachers, students, PTA members, and Board of Governors. The findings underscore the significant influence of school policies, with identified factors including Universal secondary education, Compulsory Science subjects, trained teachers, games and sports, vocational subjects, and specific registration criteria for academic progression. Moreover, the research delved into the underlying causes of student indiscipline, highlighting pivotal issues such as domestic violence, heredity, peer influence, lenient disciplinary measures, dearth of positive role models, and cultural influences. These insights underline the complex interplay of societal factors impacting student conduct. Additionally, the study expounded on the effects of school administration strategies on student discipline, emphasizing the critical role played by rule-setting, guidance and counseling, supervision, parental involvement, sensitization programs, and robust administrative structures in fostering a disciplined academic environment. The comprehensive analysis of these diverse dimensions unveils the intricate landscape influencing student behavior in secondary schools, suggesting the need for nuanced policy interventions and administrative strategies to cultivate a conducive environment for positive student conduct and academic excellence. Keywords: School policies, student discipline, secondary schools, cross-sectional survey, attitudes, causes of indiscipline, school administration