IODP Expedition 351 Natural Gamma Radiation
Richard Arculus,Osamu Ishizuka,Kara A. Bogus,Mohammed H. Aljahdali,Alexandre N. Bandini-Maeder,Andrew P. Barth,Phillipp A. Brandl,Rodrigo do Monte Guerra,Laureen Drab,Michael Gurnis,Morihisa Hamada,Rosemary L. Hickey-Vargas,Fangming Jiang,Kyoko Kanayama,Sev Kender,Yuki Kusano,He Li,Lorne C. Loudin,Marco Maffione,Kathleen M. Marsaglia,Anders J. McCarthy,Sébastien Meffre,Antony Morris,Ivan P. Savov,Clara A. Sena Da Silva,Frank J. III Tepley,Cees van der Land,Gene M. Yogodzinski,Zhaohui Zhang
Abstract:Natural gamma radiation (NGR) data in the ~0.1 to 3.0 MeV range were measured using eight custom-designed sodium iodide (thallium) [NaI(Tl)] detectors arranged along the core measurement axis at 20 cm intervals. The NGR system uses layers of passive shielding (lead) and active shielding (plastic scintillators and coincidence electronics) to reduce the cosmic-ray signal for low-count analysis of sediment core sections and to obtain the maximum signal-to-noise ratio. Data are reported on a total counts per second basis and the raw spectral files are available as compressed files for later analysis.