Security Measures In Ukraine’ Criminal And Criminal Procedure Law
V.V. Shpiliarevych
Actual problems of improving of current legislation of Ukraine
Abstract:The article is dedicated to the study of security measures in criminal and criminal procedural law of Ukraine. Determined by the influence of integration and globalization processes, there is a tendency of convergence of various branches of law, including criminal and criminal procedural law. Therefore, the implementation of a modern effective policy in the field of crime prevention in Ukraine requires an improvement of existing preventive measures and development of new ones, both at the international and national levels. That is why, criminal and criminal procedure measures, namely security measures, play an important role in ensuring the protection of a person's interests against internal and external threats.
In particular, criminal-law security measures should be understood as a variety of measures of criminal nature, provided by the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which appliedn to a person, which is in «dangerous state», on behalf of the state on by reasonable court decision, in order to prevent the re-committing of a socially dangerous act, which predicted by the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
From a criminal procedural point of view, security measures (measures to ensure the safety of participants in criminal proceedings) - is the implementation of legal, organizational, technical and other measures aimed to protect life, health, housing, property, honor and dignity of a person against unlawful attacks, in order to create the necessary conditions for the proper administration of justice.
As a conclusion, the author states that the security measures existing in the criminal law of Ukraine differ from the security measures of criminal procedural character, by its nature, system, subjects to which such measures are applied, the purposes and aims of its application.