Factors of post-industrial transformations of urban sociogeosystems (case Kharkiv)

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26565/2410-7360-2020-53-15
Abstract:Research problem introduction. Modern society of highly developed countries, according to some scientists, is at the stage of post-industrial development, the rest are striving to reach this level and are in the process of transformation. The city, as a complex socio-geosystem, which is influenced by a number of external and internal factors, is a dynamic formation, which is characterized by the concepts of development and transformation. For Ukraine, as a part of the European region, the processes of post-industrial transformations are also characteristic. Kharkiv is a typical post-socialist city in the Eastern European region, which seeks post-industrial transformations. The study of post-industrial development factors is an important and relevant step in developing a strategy and planning for urban development, given the uniqueness of each individual city. The study of factors of development of this kind of city, gives the chance of implementation of the received results for implementation at planning of development of other cities. The purpose of this study is to determine the main factors of post-industrial transformation of urban socio-geosystems on the example of Kharkiv. To achieve this purpose, the following research questions were asked: What periods of post-industrial transformation did the city of Kharkiv undergo? What factors and with what force influenced the transformation of the city? Research methods. Multidisciplinary research approach to the study of cities and the peculiarities of their development, functioning and transformation, contributes to the formation of a significant set of interdisciplinary and specifically scientific research methods. Considering the city as a complex socio-geosystem, characterized by a significant set of development indicators, the most effective methods for determining specific factors of its transformation are mathematical and statistical methods, including cluster and factor analysis. Results, Scientific novelty, Practical significance. Cluster analysis, as a grouping tool, allowed to streamline the indicators of socio-economic and spatial development of the city for the study period, and to establish three main stages of post-industrial transition: a period of development at the expense of residual resources (1991-1997); a period of crisis, the beginning of post-industrial transformations, the most striking manifestation of which is the process of deindustrialization (1998-2010); a period of gradual recovery from the economic crisis, the economic situation in the city is stabilizing, some industries are being modernized, activization post-industrial processes like gentrification, revitalization, neo-industrialization, tertialization (2011-2019). Factor analysis allowed to identife three main factors groups transformation of Kharkiv from industrial to post-industrial stages (1991-2019): 1) the structure of labor resources, their social protection and the most important sectors of the tertiary, quaternary and fifth sectors of the economy; 2) demographic development of the city; 3) age structure of the population and the main indicators of economic development. During the period of Ukraine's independence in Kharkiv, as in most powerful industrial cities of the country, transformations of all spheres of their functioning took place. In the period of post-industrial transformations, the combination and interconnection of the triad of these factors is constantly changing, changing the internal structure of the urban socio-geosystem and its appearance. At the same time, the composition and structure of the city's population, the structure of the economy and methods of production are transformed, the sphere of social security of the population and the non-productive sphere comes to the fore, the interaction of the population with the city is transformed. Determining the periods of Kharkiv development and the main factors of influence is an important step for creating and substantiating a comprehensive description of the city in the period of post-industrial transformations, identifying problems and prospects for further development of the city.
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