Enterprises of agricultural sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: efficient functioning
S. K. Baidybekova,L. M. Baitenova,E. O. Kydyrbaeva,,,
Problems of AgriMarket
Abstract:The goal is to consider the problems and prospects for the development of enterprises in agricultural sector. Methods – analysis and synthesis, determination of absolute and relative indicators, abstract-logistical, economic-statistical. Results – the authors note the main features of agricultural production: high capital intensity, long payback period, low profitability, seasonality, dependence on natural and climatic conditions. Enterprises are insufficiently provided with modern technology, social infrastructure is poorly developed, soil fertility is declining, level of income of the rural population is much lower to income in other industries. At present, effective programs on development of agro-industrial complex and support for agricultural producers have been developed in the republic. The article presents data on the number of registered producers of agricultural products in the Republic of Kazakhstan: legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, peasant (private) farms, households. The volumes of gross output of agricultural goods, production of livestock products in Kazakhstan, cattle products sales in slaughter weight for all categories of farms are shown. It was revealed that for some types of food, dependence on imports remains: meat and milk processing products, poultry meat, vegetables and fruits. The main directions of development of AIC are substantiated: measures to ensure food security; digitalization and robotization; attraction of domestic and foreign investments; application of the achievements of selection and breeding work in the livestock industry; strengthening scientific potential by improving training of highly qualified personnel. Conclusions – specifics of modern economic entities is their broad specialization: the presence of several workshops for heat treatment, sterilization and preparation for sale. There are also highly specialized agricultural enterprises, which as a rule, are producing one type of product, for example, dairy farms, greenhouses, nurseries.