Ivan Rusnak,Maryna Vasylyk
Collection of Scientific Papers of Uman State Pedagogical University
Abstract:The article substantiates the relevance of improving the quality of foreign language education of graduates of higher education institutions of non-special faculties as a means of their professional mobility in the domestic and world labor market and intercultural communication in modern globalized world. It is focused on ensuring the innovative development of its teaching methods, the introduction of modern technologies, bringing the learning process in line with world and European requirements.The classification of teaching methods in pedagogical science is considered, among which the classification of A. Beliaev, based on the active interaction of subjects of the educational process, is determined as the most appropriate for mastering a foreign language.The most effective didactic methods (project method, method of “brainstorming”, method of business and didactic games) are described. They are applied in learning English at non-special faculties and specific examples of their use in classes both in the classroom and outside it, in real professional and life situations.The peculiarities of using modern information and multimedia technologies in teaching English and innovative approaches in the formation of skills and abilities in reading, writing, communicative competencies are highlighted. The didactic possibilities of electronic platforms MOODLE and Pearson in proficiency in English are revealed.It was found that the expansion of interstate ties, integration into Europe, adherence to world values and the process of globalization has increased the opportunities for contacts with native speakers. Therefore, the study of a foreign language in higher school acquires practical significance, and the communicative function of the language plays a major role in the process of expressing feelings, judgments and assimilation of information and knowledge presented in any form. Keywords: English language, innovative principles, teaching methods, information technologies, multimedia technologies, non-special faculties, educational applicants, communicative competences, institutions of higher education, educational process.
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