The Concept of “The Third Place” in the Context of Modernising the Library Space
Anton Nikolaychuk
Ukrainian Journal on Library and Information Science
Abstract:The aim of the article is to study the concept of “the third place” in extrapolation to the library space, and to identify peculiarities of its implementation in public libraries of Ukraine.
Research methods. An analytical-synthetic, typological, systemic-structural and dialectical methods are applied, due to which the features of modernising the space of Ukrainian public libraries in the context of “the third place” paradigm are determined, modern forms and peculiarities of cultural and leisure activities corresponding to “the third place” concept are revealed, as well as a prognostic and analytical method is used, the purpose of which is to outline prospective directions of modernisation tendencies in the space of public libraries of Ukraine, taking into account the current socio-cultural situation.
Scientific novelty. The process of updating the library space is studied in the context of the leading tendencies of the first decades of the 21st century. The concept of “the third place” in extrapolation to the library space is researched. The information and communication requests of modern society are analysed as a factor of transforming the traditional library space. The peculiarities of implementing the concept of “the third place” in public libraries of Ukraine are identified, as well as the trends of cultural and leisure activities of domestic libraries at the beginning of the third decade of the 21st century are clarified on the example of Odesa Regional Universal Scientific Library named after M. S. Hrushevskyi, and the Central District Library named after I. Franko (Kyiv). The prospects for the further development of leisure practices are outlined according to the positioning of the modern library, including as a place for users’ spare time.
Main conclusions. One of the concepts that is actively used in the process of improving and modernising the activities of cultural institutions in general and libraries in particular is the concept of “the third place”, according to which much attention is paid to the visitors’ requests and needs. In this way, the library is positioned not only as an institution where the visitor gets the information he needs, but also as a unique meeting place where social statuses are equalised. The concept of innovative library space in the context of “the third place” paradigm includes both technical and technological, and software tools of library activity, which are primarily aimed at meeting the socio-communicative, cultural-leisure and informational needs of its visitors. Innovative libraries of the new type presented in Ukraine at the beginning of the 2020s, operating according to the concept of “the third place”, can be roughly divided into several formats: co-working library, library-cafe, library-club, library-museum, bibliohub, etc. Their main characteristics are locality, accessibility and openness for all segments of the population, comfortable atmosphere that promotes relaxed interaction, providing opportunities for cultural and leisure activities, and a variety of entertainment. In conditions of decrease in the demand for traditional library services caused by automation and digitisation of library services, Ukrainian libraries actively introduce various cultural and leisure practices into their activity, thereby expand their own functions.