The composition and evolution of the continental crust: rare earth element evidence from sedimentary rocks

Stuart Ross Taylor,S. M. McLennan
Abstract:The composition of the present-day upper crust, inferred from the uniformity of sedimentary rock r.e.e. (rare earth element) patterns, is close to that of granodiorite. A revised ‘andesite’ model is used to obtain total crustal composition. The lower crust is the composition remaining, assuming that the upper crust, one-third of the total, is derived from intracrustal partial melting. The upper-crustal r.e.e. pattern has pronounced Eu depletion (Eu/Eu* = 0.64), the lower-crustal pattern has Eu enrichment (Eu/Eu* = 1.17) and the total crust has no Eu anomaly relative to chondritic abundances. The Eu depletion in the upper crust is attributed to retention of Eu in plagioclase in the lower crust. Because plagioclase is not stable below 40 km (> 10 kbar), the anomaly is intracrustal in origin. The Archaean upper crust has a different r.e.e. pattern to that of the present-day upper crust, being lower in total r.e.e., and La/Yb ratios, and lacking an Eu anomaly. These data are used to infer the Archaean upper-crustal composition, which resembles that of the present-day total crust, except that Ni and Cr contents are higher. The Archaean crustal composition can be modelled by a mixture of tholeiites and tonalite trondhjemites. The latter have steep light r.e.e.-enriched-heavy r.e.e.-depleted patterns, consistent with equilibration with garnet and hence probable mantle derivation. There is little reason to suppose that the Archaean lower crust was different in composition from the upper crust, except locally where partial melting episodes occurred. The r.e.e. evidence is consistent with isotopic and geological evidence for a low continental growth rate in the early Archaean, a massive increase (to about 70% of the total crust) between about 3000 and 2500 Ma B.P. and a slow increase until the present day. The change from Archaean to post-Archaean r.e.e. patterns in the upper crust is not isochronous, but is reflected in the sedimentary rock r.e.e. patterns at differing times in different continents. On the basis of a model composition for the mantle, 36% of the potassium, 30% of uranium, 15% of lanthanum and 3 % of ytterbium are concentrated in the present continental crust. This enrichment is related to ionic size and valency differences from common mantle cations (e.g. Mg, Fe). Pre-3.9 Ga B.P. crusts were obliterated by meteorite bombardment. No geochemical evidence exists for primordial anorthositic, sialic or mafic crusts.
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