The Thesis of Medieval Ontology in Heidegger’s Interpretation

Ekaterina S. Marchukova,
Voprosy filosofii
Abstract:The article is devoted to the analysis of Heidegger’s interpretation of the me­dieval ontology thesis. The main source for this article is Heidegger’s Marburg Lectures “Die Grundprobleme der Phänomenologie”, where the problem of the interpretation of the medieval ontology thesis has a special section. The meth­ods of hermeneutic analysis, comparative analysis, as well as the method of historical and philosophical reconstruction are applied in the research. The ar­ticle shows what points of convergence Heidegger could find in the medieval tradition of discussing the problem of distinction between essence (essentia) and existence (existentia) with his project of fundamental ontology. Particular attention is paid to clarifying the core definitions of essentia and existentia for the topic of study, as well as the closely related Greek terms μορφή, εἶδος (ἰδέα), τὸ τὶ ᾖν εἶναι, γένος, φύσις, ὁριςμός, οὐσία in the Heidegger’s interpre­tation. The article presents how the clarification of the genealogy of key onto­logical terms enables Heidegger to discover the correlation between the con­structions of medieval metaphysics and Dasein analytics. The author shows to what extent the scholastic tradition of discussing the problem of the relation and distinction between essence and existence in Heidegger’s interpretation could serve as a kind of introduction to the Heidegger’s project of ontology as phenomenology. The article also shows what difficulties arise when trying to apply the results of the analysis of medieval ontology thesis to the specificity of the Dasein. In this problematic context are considered the correlation and distinction of the terms proposed by Heidegger: Washeit, Vorhandensein as well as Werheit and Existenz.
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