General Media Works
Jeremy Tunstall,R. H. Coase,Edward W. Barrett,Paul C. Reardon,Clifton Daniel,Philip L. Geyelin,Douglass Cater,Bradley S. Greenberg,Brenda Dervin,William Kuhns,Wilfred Watson,J.U. Fulbright,Charles S. Steinberg
Communication Booknotes
Abstract:Jeremy Tunstall's edited collection Media Sociology: A Reader (University of Illinois Press, $12.50) R. H. Coase and Edward W. Barrett's Educational TV: Who Should Pay? (1950) Paul C. Reardon and Clifton Daniel's Fair Trial and Free Press (1967) Philip L. Geyelin and Douglass Cater's American Media: Adecuate or Hot? (1969) Bradley S. Greenberg and Brenda Dervin (with the assistance of Joseph a. Dominicj and John Bowes) Use of the Media by the Urban Poor: Findings of Three Projects with an Annotated Bibliography (Praeger Special Studies, $13.50) William Kuhns' The Electronic Gospel: Religion and Media (Herder & Herder, $5.50) Wilfred Watson, From Cliche to Archetype (Viking Press, $7.50) Senator J.U. Fulbright's The Pentagon Propaganda Machine (Liveright, $4.95) Charles S. Steinberg's The Communicative Arts: An Introduction to Mass Media (Hastings House, $10.00 hard cover,$ 6.00 paperbound)