Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser dan E-WOM terhadap Purchase Intention Produk Skincare di Jakarta dengan Brand Trust sebagai Variabel Mediasi
Rian Tanjung,Keni Keni
Abstract:This research is aimed to examine whether celebrity endorsers and electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) can partially influence purchase intention and the role of brand trust in mediating those influences. The population of this research is skincare consumers. At the same time, the sample is 150 skincare consumers in Jakarta, which were obtained by using online questionnaires and selected by using the nonprobability sampling technique in the form of convenience sampling. The data were analyzed by using the PLS-SEM method in SmartPLS 4 program. This research is expected to support skincare companies in developing marketing strategies and to be a reference for companies and researchers regarding the purchase intention of skincare products. The results showed that celebrity endorsers had a positive effect on brand trust, while e-WOM did not have a positive effect on brand trust. In addition, celebrity endorsers and brand trusts have a positive effect on purchase intention, while e-WOM does not have a positive effect on purchase intention. Finally, celebrity endorsers positively affect purchase intention mediated by brand trust, while e-WOM has no effect.
Keywords: Celebrity endorser, e-WOM, purchase intention, brand trust, skincare product
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah celebrity endorser dan e-WOM secara parsial dapat mempengaruhi purchase intention, serta peran brand trust dalam memediasi pengaruh tersebut. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen skincare, sedangkan sampelnya adalah 104 konsumen skincare di Jakarta yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner online dan dipilih dengan teknik nonprobability sampling berupa convenience sampling. Data dianalisis dengan metode PLS-SEM pada program SmartPLS 4. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mendukung perusahaan perawatan kulit dalam mengembangkan strategi pemasaran, dan menjadi referensi bagi perusahaan dan penelitian mengenai minat beli produk perawatan kulit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa celebrity endorser berpengaruh positif terhadap brand trust, sedangkan e-WOM tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap brand trust. Selain itu celebrity endorser dan Brand trust berpengaruh positif terhadap purchase intention, sedangkan e-WOM tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap purchase intention. Akhirnya celebrity endorser berpengaruh positif terhadap purchase intention yang dimediasi oleh brand trust, sedangkan e-WOM tidak berpengaruh.
Kata kunci: Dukungan selebriti, e-WOM, niat beli, kepercayaan merek, produk skincare