Meifry Gavrila Karepu,Edi Suryanto,Lidya I. Momuat
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35799/cp.13.1.2020.29604
Abstract:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi secara kimia dan menentukan aktivitas antioksidan dari paring kelapa yang diekstraksi dengan masing-masing pelarut petroleum eter (PPE) dan etanol (PET). Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahap yaitu mikronisasi, karakterisasi, dan ekstraksi. Parameter yang digunakan adalah komposisi proksimat, serat kasar, serat pangan, kandungan hemiselulosa, selulosa, lignin, aktivitas antioksidan, dan kapasitas penangkal nitrit. Hasil karakterisasi secara kimia menunjukkan tepung paring kelapa yang diekstraksi dengan pelarut petroleum eter mengandung komposisi kimia seperti air (6,99%), abu (0,85%), lemak (3,61%), protein (10,39%), serat pangan tak larut (78,27%), serat pangan terlarut (2,66%), serat pangan total (80,93%), hemiselulosa (25,38%), selulosa (39,15%) dan lignin (24,55%). PET mengandung air (7,14%), abu (1,03%), lemak (6,05%), protein (9,85%), serat pangan tak larut (73,795%), serat pangan terlarut (2,53%), serat pangan total (76,32%), hemiselulosa (20,97%), selulosa (35,14%) dan lignin (32,07%). ­ Hasil pengujian aktivitas antioksidan menunjukkan bahwa PET memiliki ekstrak fenolik bebas (92,16%) tertinggi diikuti oleh ekstrak fenolik terikat PPE (87,75%), ekstrak fenolik bebas PPE (85,07%) dan ekstrak fenolik terikat PET (81,90%). ABSTRACT The objectives of this research were to characterize the physicochemical properties and to determine the antioxidant activity of coconut testa dietary fiber. The research consisted of 3 stages: micronization, characterization, and extraction. The evaluate parameters were proximate composition, crude fiber, dietary fiber, hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, antioxidant activity, and nitrate-scavenging capacity. Chemical characterization results showed that coconut testa powder has chemical compositions such as water (6,99%), ash (0,85%), fat (3,61%), protein (10,39%), carbohydrate (48,75%), insoluble dietary fiber (78,27%), soluble dietary fiber (2,66%), total dietary fiber (80,93%), hemicellulose (25,38%), cellulose (39,15%) and lignin (24,55%). PET contains water (7.14%), ash (1.03%), fat (6.05%), protein (9.85%), insoluble food fiber (73.795%), dissolved food fiber (2.53 %), total food fiber (76.32%), hemicellulose (20.97%), cellulose (35.14%) and lignin (32.07%). Antioxidant activity assay showed that free phenolic extract of PET had highest (92.16%) followed by bound phenolic extract of PPE (87.75%), free phenolic extract of PPE (85.07%) and bound phenolic extract of PET (81.90 %).
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