Retinomorphic Machine Vision in a Network Laser
Wai Kit Ng,Jakub Dranczewski,Anna Fischer,T V Raziman,Dhruv Saxena,Tobias Farchy,Kilian Stenning,Jonathan Peters,Heinz Schmid,Will R Branford,Mauricio Barahona,Kirsten Moselund,Riccardo Sapienza,Jack C. Gartside
Abstract:With the growing prevalence of AI, demand increases for efficient machine learning hardware. Physical systems are sought which combine image feature detection with the essential nonlinearity for tasks such as image classification. Existing physical hardware typically detects features linearly, then employs digital processing for nonlinear activation. Biological vision systems excel at nonlinear image processing. The retina detects features in ganglion cells via lateral inhibition, where cells nonlinearly compete for neuronal firing while supressing neighbouring cells.
We present a bio-inspired 'retinomorphic' machine vision platform using an on-chip semiconductor network laser. The system detects multiple features in parallel via spatially-overlapping lasing modes, with integrated nonlinearity provided by antagonistic gain competition between modes - a photonic analogue of retinal inhibition. Parallel feature-detection enhances efficiency relative to feature-detection schemes which operate sequentially or via multiple device copies, with Si-compatible processing and a compact micron-scale footprint relative to existing mm-scale systems. We report 98.05% accuracy on MNIST-digits and 87.85% on Fashion-MNIST, with strong performance on short training datasets.
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks,Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics,Materials Science,Optics