Essential Principles for Work ow ModellingE ectiveness
A. P. Barros,A. H. M. ter Hofstede,H. A. Proper
Abstract:While the speciication languages of workkow management systems focus on process execution semantics, the successful development of workkows relies on a fuller conceptualisation of business processing, including process semantics. Traditionally, the success of conceptual modelling techniques has depended largely on the adequacy of certain requirements: conceptualisation (following the Con-ceptualisation Principle), expressive power (following the One Hundred Principle), comprehensibility and formal foundation. An equally important requirement, particularly with the increased conceptu-alisation of business aspects, is business suitability. In this paper, the focus is on the suitability of workkow modelling for a commonly encountered class of (operational) business processing, e.g. those of insurance claims, bank loans and land conveyancing. Based on a previously conducted assessment of a number of integrated techniques, the results of which are summarised in this paper, ve business suitability principles are proposed: organisational embedding, scenario validation, service information hiding, cognitive suuciency and execution resilience. As a result, a further insight into workkow speciications and workkow deployment in open distributed architectures is claimed.