Legal consciousness and the state of crime. public administration and protection of citizens

M. Zadorozhna
Democratic governance
Abstract:Problem setting. In democracies, the inherent right of citizens is the right to be informed about the policy pursued by the state, including not only the publicity and openness of government, but also the right to communicate public opinion on socially important issues to the government. The need for theoretical generalization and systematization of ideas about the content, structure, functions, internal logic of procedures and mechanisms of formation and implementation of regulatory principles of legal consciousness is becoming increasingly obvious. In other words, in terms of modern comprehensive research in the field of philosophy of law and a number of other branches of theoretical jurisprudence, the issue of not just harmonization and unification of such ideas, but the scientific development of a holistic theory of genesis and functioning of legal consciousness gains relevance. Despite the rather wide range of conceptual positions on the possibilities and areas of constructing such a theory, there is an approach based on studies of the primary, ontological, mentally structured foundations of legal consciousness. Resent research and publications analisys. Researcher of the system approach to processes in nature and society Yu. Bilodid characterizes the system as a set of qualitatively defined elements, having a natural connection or interaction between them. He is convinced that any self-organizing system for a certain purpose tums on reactivity (stabilization) and adaptation (dynamics), as well as a feedback channel, including a damper channel of negative feedback. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. In Ukraine, the state of legal consciousness in public administration has been studied by Viacheslav Omelzov, who emphasized the monitoring of the state of public consciousness as a tool for information support of public administration. Paper main body. Legal consciousness and legal culture do not arise spontaneously and are not birth inherent, but it rather results from the process of socialization of the individual. Legal socialization of a minor involves the inclusion in his/her value normative system those values ​​that are protected by law, the mastery of lawful behavior, the formation of a sense of social responsibility and solidarity with the law. Thus, the legal socialization of adolescents is associated with the acquisition of social values, the creation of a special system of legal ideas and skills of law enforcement behavior, the formation of legal consciousness. Also, legal socialization is inextricably linked with the moral formation of personality. Having law as a tool, the state seeks to establish progressive moral norms, fights against injustice, evil and vices in the minds of citizens, the entire population. In turn, morality affects the legal life of society, the development of law, thus contributing to the strengthening of public order. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Feedback as a kind of regulator of power performs the functions of control, advice, and prescription. The very fulfillment of the wishes of the public is a guarantee that the authoritarian influence on the public consciousness will not be a manipulation, but the actualization of abilities and capabilities of each citizen, the awakening of the humanistic potential of the public consciousness. So, morality and law are interrelated forms of regulation of human behavior in a given society. The law is part of social norms, i.e. the norms regulating relations between people and their organizations (public formations and associations). All social norms, depending on their role and place in the system of social regulation, are split into legal (or judicial), moral, religious, corporate, political norms, aesthetics, customs and traditions. Thus, the interaction of the elements of the mechanism of criminal law regulation at its various levels is a complex and contradictory matter. Indeed, the criminal law regulation takes place in different regimes, which are determined by the balance formed at one stage or another between certain parts of its mechanism. Further research prospects may include the selection of relevant tools to study the state of public consciousness to identify ways to raise it, the organization of such monitoring centers to study changes in legal consciousness, their causes and consequences.
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