Effect of Foliar Application With Calcium, Boron And Zinc on The Yield And Quality of Strawberry Fruits And Post-Harvest Diseases
H.K. M. Ibrahim,N N El-Hefnawi,M M.A. Arafa,S I Shahin,Ibrahim M.,N El-Hefnawi,M Arafa,S Shahin
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21608/jesr.2021.244287
Journal of Environmental Studies and Researches
Abstract:A field experiment was designed in a split plot with three replicates and were carried out at PICO farm (Om Saber), EL-Beheira Governorate, Egypt. Soil is light loamy to examined the role of Ca:B:Zn levels on growth, fruit yield and fruit quality of the three Strawberry cultivars (Red merlin (029), Elyana and Fortuna (116)) plants during the two successive seasons of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018.The data indicated that all strawberry growth, fruit yield and fruit quality traits significantly affected by cultivars, treatments and their interactions in both seasons. Fortuna cv. had the highest; leaves number/plant, average leaf area, leaves content of; phosphor and calcium, average fruit weight, fruit yield/plant, fruit yield/fad, early fruit yield, exported fruit yield, fruit content of TSS, reducing sugar and total sugar in both seasons and highly desirable leaves content of Zinc in the 2nd season. Elyana cv gave the highest; root length leaves fresh weight,leaves contents of; potassium and Boron in both seasons and leaves content of zinc in the second season. The results also revealed that Redmerlln cv expressed the highest leaves dry weight, root dry weight, leaves contents of; nitrogen, potassium, calcium and fruit acidity in both seasons. The result also confirmed that strawberry plant that sprayed with Ca: B: Zn (1:0.25:1g) showed the highest leaves fresh weight and fruit acidity in both seasons. In the same way strawberry plants that sprayed with Ca: B: Zn (1.50: 0.50 :1.50 g) showed highly desirable significant values for; leaves number/plant average leaf area, root length, average fruit weight, fruit yield/plant, fruit yield/fad, early fruit yield and exported yield in both seasons. Strawberry plant that sprayed with 2:0.75:2 g Ca: B: Zn showed the highest leaves contents of; nitrogen, phosphor, potassium, calcium and boron in both seasons and zinc in the first season. Also, the same treatment gave the highest fruit content of TSS, non-reducing sugar, reducing sugar and total sugar in both seasons. The presented data indicated that the three strawberry cultivars differed in their responses to Ca: B: Zn levels. Fortuna cv under Ca: B: Zn (2:0.75:2 g) gave the highest number of leaves/plant, leaf content of phosphor, calcium fruit contents of; TSS, non-reducing sugar, reducing sugar and total sugar in both seasons. Also, Fortuna cv under Ca: B: Zn (1.5: 0.5 :1.5g) had the highest averages for leaf area, root length, average fruit weight, fruit yield/plant, fruit yield/fad, early fruit yield and exported yield in both seasons.Elyana cv under Ca: B: Zn at the rate of 2:0.75:2g had the highest leaves fresh weight, leaf content of potassium and boron in both seasons. In the same way, Elyana cv under 1:0.25:1 g of Ca: B: Zn had the highest leaf content of zinc in both seasons.Redmerlln cv under 2:0.75:2 g of Ca: B: Zn had the highest leaves dry weight, root dry weight and leaves content of nitrogen in both seasons. Also, Redmerlln cv under Ca: B: Zn (1: 0.25:1 g) had the highest fruit acidity in both seasons.