The experiences of students, academics and managers regarding institutionally driven collaborative models between higher education institutions in health professions degree programs: a qualitative systematic review protocol
Felicity Daniels,Lorraine Fakude,Ntombizodwa Linda,Penelope Martin,Lydia Richards,Ingrid September
JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
Abstract:Review question What are the experiences of students, academics and managers regarding institutionally driven collaborative models in health professions degree programs between higher education institutions (HEIs) nationally and internationally? The qualitative objectives are to: To improve the collaboration model of the Common Teaching Platform for possible adoption by collaborative partners. Background In South Africa (SA) and the world over, rationalization of program offerings in higher education has led to the need for inter‐institutional, inter‐professional and intra‐professional collaboration. The rational, effective utilization of already scarce resources, both material and human, is highlighted in most instances. In South Africa, scarce resources and attempts, post‐apartheid, to level the playing fields in higher education required a review of practices, institutions and values in terms of their appropriateness in the new democratic era.1 The Minister of Education proposed that the education system be governed and funded as a single national coordinated system to overcome fragmentation, inequality and inefficiency, and become a system which contributes to building a better life for all citizens.1 This meant that the mission, vision and goals of many institutions needed to be revisited, renewed and consolidated to establish the possibility of mergers, closures and the development of new institutional forms including collaborations. The new educational landscape was crafted on the basis of a thorough assessment of the capabilities of each institution with regards to teaching, research and services. It was envisaged that restructuring of the higher education system would mean increased and broadened participation to overcome fragmentation, inequality and inefficiency reminiscent of the apartheid past. It was also hoped that restructuring through mergers, incorporations and collaborations would reduce the duplication and overlap of program delivery in the region and underutilization of resources. Furthermore, the non‐existence of higher education institutions within certain provinces would be addressed. According to the Council on Higher Education, South Africa did not have the human and financial resources to sustain the demands on the higher education sector in its old form.2 The Minister of Education envisaged that collaboration in program development and delivery, and rationalization would result in enhancing diversity in the provision of higher education program and reduce costs within the region. Furthermore, the collaborative use of academic expertise and human resources would strengthen programs.3 Collaborations and mergers are not synonymous concepts. Mergers refer to joining, amalgamations, incorporations and combining of institutions in an attempt to reduce the number of institutions. Collaboration implies a partnership or teamwork. This refers to institutions in a region combining their expertise, efforts and infrastructural resources in the delivery of higher education programs while remaining separate institutions. Restructuring in the Western Cape was planned through program and infrastructural co‐operation, the rationalization of programs offered by the five higher education institutions in the region (three universities and two technikons) and collaboration in infrastructural development. Higher education institutions in the Western Cape including those offering nursing education, which was identified as a priority for academic program collaboration, were not spared the challenge of reviewing the program offerings in the region. The Cape Higher Education Consortium (CHEC), which represents the five higher education institutions in the Western Cape ‐ University of Cape Town, University of Stellenbosch, and University of the Western Cape, Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon ‐ highlighted the rationale and purpose for collaboration in the region. They suggested that there would be substantial benefits to higher education in the Western Cape, and additional benefits to geographically proximate institutions, if they could co‐operate in a structured and intentional way. Nursing education, within the context of transformation in the higher education sector, was identified as a priority for academic program collaboration in the country in general and the Western Cape in particular. The Minister of Education at the time, Kader Asmal, announced in December 2002 that based on restructuring plans, with effect from 2005, the University of the Western Cape and the new institution, Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), resulting from the merger of the Cape and Peninsula Technikons, would be the only enrolling institutions for undergraduate nursing education in the Western Cape. This meant that both the universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch would no longer enroll undergraduate nurses but contribute through combining their strengths in a collaborative way with UWC to train nurses in the region.4 A Common Teaching Platform for undergraduate nursing through collaboration Further developments to the Minister of Education's proposal for undergraduate nursing in the Western Cape were proposed by the CHEC. The Cape Higher Education Consortium argued that the demand for qualified nurses in the region needed to be addressed by all its member institutions.5 The Consortium also envisaged that an integrated undergraduate nursing platform, later referred to as the Common Teaching Platform (CTP), would benefit from the combined strengths of all participating institutions in terms of expertise and resources to produce the required number of appropriately qualified and registered nurses. The Cape Higher Education Consortium submitted a proposal to the Minister of Education in October 2003 to construct a regional platform for undergraduate nursing education. The Minister of Education accepted the proposal of the model, whereupon a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was drawn up. This MoU was the binding agreement regarding specific collaborative initiatives between the parties.5 The Common Teaching Platform for undergraduate nurses in the Western Cape was then established in 2005. The first cohort of 300 first year students who registered on the CTP in 2005 completed their degree at the end of 2008. The experiences and challenges relating to the collaboration between the higher education institutions led to the need to evaluate the effectiveness of the CTP. Evaluation of the effectiveness of collaboration between universities in the Western Cape After the CTP had been in existence for five years an evaluation of its effectiveness was needed. The evaluation was informed by the experiences of the students, lecturers, heads of nursing departments/schools, deans and deputy vice‐chancellors participating on the Common Teaching Platform as well as current and former chief executive officers of CHEC.6 The results of this study were used to inform the development of a model of collaboration. It is acknowledged that before the model is implemented, the model should be benchmarked against other existing models of collaboration within health professions education through a qualitative systematic review. While there is evidence of systematic reviews conducted on inter‐professional models of collaboration, none have been published on health professions education per se. It is envisaged therefore that the reviewing and analysis of a pool of studies through a systematic review will uncover important aspects of collaboration in general which could be included in the developed model before it is implemented. A collaboration best practice model is therefore expected to emerge from the systematic review which could culminate in the development of a policy for collaboration for adoption by collaborative partners. The findings of the systematic review will therefore benefit all collaborative initiates in future, and not limited to health professions education.