Analysis of regional targeted programs in the field of cultural heritage protection

A. Ovsianyk
Democratic governance
Abstract:Problem setting. Executive authorities and local self-government bodies in Ukraine take part in the development and implementation of regional targeted programs aimed at the development of respective territories. While elaborating the programs, they apply the regulatory framework determining the principles of development, approval and implementation of state targeted programs, that does not reflect the specificity of regional programs, territorial community programs. Project management methodology constitutes one of the most efficient regional development tools that are almost not used in the development of regional targeted programs. To ensure efficient management of cultural heritage protection, attention should be paid to the development and further implementation of regional targeted programs, with due account of the project approach methodology. Recent research and publications analysis. The studies of the project approach application for solving development tasks at different levels of public administration have been performed by Т. Mamatova, О. Medvedieva, V. Rach, І. Chykarenko, and others. Analytical study of cultural heritage management as well as specific aspects of program analysis has been made within the project “ReHERIT: Shared Responsibility for Common Heritage” and project “CHOICE: Cultural Heritage and Contemporaneity”. Highlighting previously unsettled parts of the general problem. In spite of the researcher’s interest in the selected range of problems, the issue of program development in the field of cultural heritage with due account of the project approach remains understudied. Paper main body. According to the data of the analysis made, as of the beginning of 2021 comprehensive cultural heritage preservation programs are being implemented in 10 regions of Ukraine. In 12 more regions activities (program section, specific activities or projects) aimed to preserve cultural heritage, fixed in the cultural development or economic and social development programs are being implemented. Kyiv and Luhansk regions (government-controlled territory of Ukraine) have not approved regional programs regulating the field of cultural heritage protection. The results of program analysis have pointed to problems in the development and protection of cultural heritage, that have been grouped by different aspects. Problems indicated in most programs are of descriptive nature, characterize the situation as of the moment of development, with no account of the trends over a certain period of time, are not always supported by actual statistical, financial, and other indicators. Analysis of regional programs under implementation has shown that some of them contain general wording, goals, are characterized by the lack of logical correlation between directions and problems. Availability of respective resource provision constitutes the necessary precondition for the achievement of the goal and expected outcomes of programs. Under the decisions “On the Regional Budget for 2021”, as far as allocation of the regional budget costs for the implementation of local/regional programs is concerned, regional councils have approved funding for the implementation of 4 programs (out of 10 comprehensive ones), the activities of which are aimed at the cultural heritage preservation. Conclusions of the research and prospects for further studies. Implementation of the project approach in the development and implementation of regional targeted programs will enable to more efficiently and rationally use budget funds and involve budget and non-budget funding based on the outcomes planned and complying with the state and regional policy priorities. Unified principles and approaches are not followed in the development of regional programs. In order to improve the efficiency of program implementation it is necessary to take into account mutual relations between program components, adequacy of the goal, tasks, and final outcomes in the course of their development.
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