Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Distance Learning in the Context of Musicological Activities

Т. В. Большакова,T. Bolshakova
Culture of Ukraine
Abstract:Abstract. The analysis of the specifics of the transition to distance learning, including online classes, at the Faculty of Music of the Kharkiv State Academy of Culture has been carried out. The main strengths and weaknesses of this mode of study, in particular, the features of conducting individual, small­group, and current online classes, have been demonstrated; some means of implementing the experience of this mode of conducting classes acquired over the past two years by the academic staff of the Faculty, have been outlined. The need to search for and to introduce into pedagogical practice new forms of educational and research work with students and graduate students under the quarantine caused by the COVID­19 pandemic has been noted. A number of creative achievements of students and lecturers of the Faculty of Music of KhSAC over the past two academic years, which became possible not only due to, but also in spite of all the difficulties associated with the reorientation of the Faculty to distance learning, have been presented. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the current tasks facing the creative faculty, which is the Faculty of Music of KhSAC, related to the rapid transition to a distance learning system, and to identify the main directions for their solution. The methodology. The study of this issue has led to the use of comparative­analytical and experimental­and­practical approaches. The topicality is about understanding the strengths and weaknesses of introducing distance learning at the creative faculty and finding the best options for its application. Conclusions. Analysis of practical creative and pedagogical activities of lecturers and students of the Faculty of Music of KhSAC under the distance learning allowed us to assert that this process has a number of positive and negative features. The positive lies in more free planning by students and post­graduate students of the preparation time and attending classes, in gaining experience in conducting a dialogue not only verbally, but also in writing, in the ability to more closely join modern forms of acquiring knowledge, in particular online, in a more literate and multi­layered mastery of both the student and the teaching staff of the possibilities of the Internet, in a creative approach to the forms of presentation by lecturers and the assimilation of theoretical and practical material by students. The positive is the possibility of organizing numerous scientific online conferences, distance festivals and competitions, and so on. At the same time, in conducting individual, small­group, and current practical classes, very significant difficulties arise that make it impossible to acquire the entire spectrum of skills and abilities that musicians­performers and conductors should possess by students of creative educational programs. So, after the consequences of COVID­19, distance learning, including the ability to communicate online, should be harmoniously and rationally applied to provide the best possible combination with traditional modes of education that have been developed over decades. Prospects for further research consists in the theoretical and practical development of the best achievements of domestic and foreign lecturers working remotely in the arts, in particular in the music, education sector, in the accumulation of theoretical knowledge while experimenting in conducting individual, small­group, and collective online classes in all areas of musical performance, musical­scientific, and musical­pedagogical activity, and in the scientific and methodological comprehension of this process.
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