Assessment of the possibility of human rescuing during fire in residential building

А.В. Пехотиков,А.В. Гомозов,С.В. Усолкин,Р.А. Иващук
Pozharnaia bezopasnost`
Abstract:Рассмотрены общие методологические положения, позволяющие оценить возможность спасения людей при пожаре в жилом здании. Они базируются на расчетах временных интервалов развития опасных факторов пожара и перемещения пожарных подразделений, а также учитывают фактор потери огнестойкости строительных конструкций здания. Для дальнейшего интегрирования этих методологических положений в «Методику определения расчетных величин пожарного риска в зданиях, сооружениях и пожарных отсеках различных классов функциональной пожарной опасности» использованы положения этой Методики в части прогноза распространения пожара между помещениями и предельно допустимых значений опасных факторов пожара для спасаемых людей. Приведен пример расчета на конкретном объекте. The provisions of 80 Clause of the Federal Law No 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008 «Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements» provide that structural, space-planning and engineering solutions of buildings and structures should ensure not only the possibility of people escape to a safe zone before harm to their life and health due to exposure to hazardous fire factors, but also the possibility of rescuing people. The process of forced movement of people outward when exposed to dangerous fire factors or when there is an immediate threat of this impact is understood as the rescue of people according to modern regulatory documents. This implies that rescue is carried out independently, with the help of fire departments or specially trained personnel, including the use of rescue equipment, through evacuation and emergency exits. Self-rescue of people presupposes their independent movement through emergency exits. The rescue of people by the personnel of the facility and/or by fire departments in case of fire in practice is due to the following main circumstances: - the absence of alarm and warning systems in buildings or failures of these systems, as a result of which some people do not receive information about the fire in a timely manner, and if they receive information about the fire late, they cannot use the escape routes due to their blocking by fire; - the presence of nonmobile groups of people in buildings; - the impossibility to ensure the fire safety of children on the basis of their independent evacuation in maternity hospitals, nursery groups of preschool educational institutions, in kindergartens of a compensating type (specialized), etc.; - the arrangement of fire-safe zones in buildings, from which the rescue of people should carried out by the forces of fire departments. The effectiveness of fire protection systems in terms of ensuring the safe escape of people is currently being assessed on the basis of fire risk calculations performed according to approved methods. It is currently difficult to conduct a comprehensive and substantiated assessment of the effectiveness of fire protection systems in terms of ensuring the possibility of rescuing people in case of fire due to the lack of unambiguous quantitative criteria and methodological provisions that would allow such assessment. The purpose of this study is to develop general methodological provisions that make it possible to assess the possibility of saving people in case of a fire in a residential building, based on the calculations of time intervals for the development of hazardous factors of fire and the movement of fire departments.
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