An Authentic Learning Experience for Medical Students on Conducting a Family Meeting
Mariana Khawand-Azoulai,Elisse Kavensky,Julia Sanchez,Ileana M Leyva,Corinne Ferrari,Marcio Soares,Khin M Zaw,Maria H van Zuilen
Abstract:Background: Medical schools often lack training for serious illness conversations with patients and caregivers. We developed a curriculum in our elective Transitioning to Residency medical student course, focused on end-of-life discussions. This paper provides an overview of the curriculum and outcomes from an advanced preparation assignment and student evaluations. Methods: The curriculum included a "hands-on" skills session delivered via Zoom. Small groups of students (3-4) assumed roles on an interprofessional team (Intensivist, cardiologist, nurse, social worker). They met with two adult children, played by palliative/geriatric clinical staff, of a 79-year-old patient with a complex cardiac history and on ventilator support to address: (1) the patient's status, (2) goals of care, and (3) withdrawal of ventilator support. Using a flipped classroom format, students reviewed the case, role assignments, a family meeting webinar, and other materials in advance. They completed a survey reflecting on the upcoming family meeting. Afterwards, students evaluated the session. Results: Eighty students (19.6%) participated in 2021 and 2022. The reflection survey shows students agreed the patient's prognosis was poor and decision-making should be shared. They anticipated difficulty accepting prognosis, discordance between family members and/or the team, and challenging emotions. Results show a difference between the anticipated roles of the assigned physicians compared to the other disciplines. Post-session evaluations ranged from 4.7 to 4.9/5 (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree). Conclusion: The pre-session reflection helped students prepare for their roles. The training was well received, and we hope it prepares students to take on serious illness discussions during residency.