Innovative Surgical Approaches That Improve Individual Outcomes in Advanced Breast Cancer
Valerii Luțenco,Laura Rebegea,Adrian Beznea,George Tocu,Monica Moraru,Oana Mariana Mihailov,Bogdan Mihnea Ciuntu,Verginia Luțenco,Floris Cristian Stanculea,Raul Mihailov
International Journal of Women s Health
Abstract:Valerii Luțenco, 1, &ast Laura Rebegea, 2, 3, &ast Adrian Beznea, 1, 3 George Tocu, 3, &ast Monica Moraru, 3 Oana Mariana Mihailov, 3, &ast Bogdan Mihnea Ciuntu, 4, &ast Verginia Luțenco, 5 Floris Cristian Stanculea, 6 Raul Mihailov 1, 3, &ast 1 Surgery I Clinic, Emergency Hospital "Sf. Ap. Andrei", Galați, Romania; 2 Oncology and Radiotherapy Clinic, Emergency Hospital "Sf. Ap. Andrei", Galați, Romania; 3 "Dun&abreverea de Jos" University of Galati, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, Galați, Romania; 4 "Gr. T. Popa" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iasi, Romania; 5 Clinical Children Emergency Hospital "Sf. Ioan", Galați, Romania; 6 "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucuresti, Romania &astThese authors contributed equally to this work Correspondence: George Tocu; Oana Mariana Mihailov, "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, 47 Domneasca Street, Galați, 800008, Romania, Tel +40728249228 ; +40745250391, Email ; Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer death in women and the second cause in the general population. The incidence has increased over time. Women in developing countries often present at an advanced stage where initial surgery is not feasible. Short disease-free intervals, the number of metastatic organs and liver metastasis were consistently associated with poor overall survival. Surgery is an integral part of the therapeutic plan for locally advanced breast cancer. The integration of surgical care into the management of patients with advanced cancer has changed substantially with the use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Also, more recently, neoadjuvant endocrine therapy and targeted therapies offer new opportunities to downsize the tumor burden and transform the role of surgery for this population from palliation to largely curative intent. Innovative surgical approach to the primary tumor in metastatic disease may provide survival benefits and local control in some patients. Similar to systemic therapy, surgical therapy for secondary dissemination should be considered in certain cases for improved individual outcomes. Advances in reconstructive techniques have improved the quality of life of these patients. Keywords: breast cancer, locally advanced, metastatic, individual outcomes, surgery According to GLOBOCAN, breast cancer is the most common cancer worldwide – surpassing lung cancer for the first time in 2020 – and the most frequently encountered cancer diagnosed in US women. It is the leading cause of cancer death in less developed countries and the second leading cause of cancer death in American women. In the same year, globally approximately 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer (11,7% of all sites) and 685,000 deaths were recorded (6.9% of all sites). Breast cancer represents almost 12% of neoplasms found worldwide. Every 14 seconds, somewhere in the world, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. Since 2008, the worldwide incidence of pathology has increased by over 20% and mortality by 14%. In 159 out of 185 countries studied, breast cancer represents one in four cases and one in six deaths in female population. The highest incidence was identified in Australia, Western Europe, North America, at the opposite pole being South Central Asia, Central and Eastern Africa. Globally, it is predicted that in 2040 there will be 2,964,197 new cases of female breast cancer. 1 In Romania, breast cancer registers one of the highest death rates, of 17.4% women, 62% more than in Norway, the last ranked, being in the first place among the causes of death by cancer in women and the second place in the general population after the lung cancer. According to the Worldwide Cancer Survival Surveillance Program - CONCORD - it shows that Romania ranks last in the EU, with a 5-year survival rate of 74.9%, almost 20% lower compared to northern and western European countries. 2 Advanced breast cancer is a current health problem due to the diagnosis at this stage of a significant number of cases nowadays. An increased risk for advanced breast tumors is the appearance of ulcers that can become infected very easily due to immunosuppression, which can lead to appearance of sepsis and septic shock. 3 Surgical treatment in such cases no longer corresponds to the standardized indications. Many times we need adjunctive treatment methods to bring the patient to an operable stage or to use innovative methods - such as in the case of metastatic disease. According to the ESMO guidelines, advanced breast cancer is a broader term that includes two entities: locally -Abstract Truncated-
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