The superior colliculus projection upon the macaque inferior olive
Paul J. May,Susan Warren,Yoshiko Kojima
Brain Structure and Function
Abstract:Saccade accommodation is a productive model for exploring the role of the cerebellum in behavioral plasticity. In this model, the target is moved during the saccade, gradually inducing a change in the saccade vector as the animal adapts. The climbing fiber pathway from the inferior olive provides a visual error signal generated by the superior colliculus that is believed to be crucial for cerebellar adaptation. However, the primate tecto-olivary pathway has only been explored using large injections of the central portion of the superior colliculus. To provide a more detailed picture, we have made injections of anterograde tracers into various regions of the macaque superior colliculus. As shown previously, large central injections primarily label a dense terminal field within the C subdivision at caudal end of the contralateral medial inferior olive. Several, previously unobserved, sites of sparse terminal labeling were noted: bilaterally in the dorsal cap of Kooy and ipsilaterally in the C subdivision of the medial inferior olive. Small, physiologically directed, injections into the rostral, small saccade portion of the superior colliculus produced terminal fields in the same regions of the medial inferior olive, but with decreased density. Small injections of the caudal superior colliculus, where large amplitude gaze changes are encoded, again labeled a terminal field located in the same areas. The lack of a topographic pattern within the main tecto-olivary projection suggests that either the precise vector of the visual error is not transmitted to the vermis, or that encoding of this error is via non-topographic means.
neurosciences,anatomy & morphology