Game Theory Based Interference Control Approach in 5G Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous Networks

Xin Gu,Xiaoyong Zhang,Zhuofu Zhou,Yijun Cheng,Jun Peng
Abstract:Considering the high-speed and low-latency communication requirements of future 5G networks, a Stackelberg game based interference suppression approach is proposed. We analyze the uplink interference of macrocell, which is located in ultra-dense heterogeneous cloud access networks. Dense deployment brings relief of traffic, but leads to new interference problems. A power pricing game model between macrocell user end (MUE) and RRH user ends (RUEs) is formulated and Nash equilibrium is analyzed. Different from traditional methods concentrating on power, our proposed approach can maintain the power and energy efficiency of different kinds of user ends, so as to increase the spectrum efficiency of the whole heterogeneous networks. Simulations validate the results and demonstrate the superiority of the approach.
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