А.В. Переверзєва,С.А. Згурський,Д.Л. Петренко
Visnik Zaporiz kogo nacional nogo universitetu Ekonomicni nauki
Abstract:The social enterprise as a way of human capital development was studied. It is substantiated that the main value of the modern management system is human resources, the quality of which affects the level of success of the enterprise’s functioning and determines the prospects for its further development. It has been proven that the management of the human capital of the enterprise is an important area of activity of the business entity, because it is people who create new products, are able to effectively use resources, and control the quality of products. In addition, continuous improvement and the desire to develop one’s skills on the basis of constant activity and initiative, despite the limitation of such a resource as time, are important. Attention is focused on the fact that there are two types of organization of the human capital management process: rigid, which is based on quantitative indicators determined within the business strategy regarding management aspects; soft involves determining the features of the formation of mutual relations in the team, singles out effective methods of communication, identifies successful methods of motivation and determines the qualities of a leader. Attention is focused on the fact that there are two types of organization of the human capital management process: rigid, which is based on quantitative indicators determined within the business strategy regarding management aspects; soft involves determining the features of the formation of mutual relations in the team, singles out effective methods of communication, identifies successful methods of motivation and determines the qualities of a leader. It was determined that social enterprises usually measure success based on three dimensions: human capital – the impact of business on people and the ability to influence social change, improve life and develop the community on a sustainable basis; planet – impact on the environment – what is the contribution to the development of the planet or to the reduction of the carbon footprint (CO2 emissions) of business and customers; profit – like traditional businesses, social enterprises must create added value in order to function successfully and grow. The analysis of the experience of the EU countries made it possible to single out the obstacles to the development of social enterprises: the reluctance of public sector subjects to innovate and/or partner with social enterprises; weak management skills and high cost of consulting services in the field of business for JV startups; problems in the formation and maintenance of a sustainable business model, as well as with the multiplication of one’s activities; relatively small scale financing of projects with social consequences.