Air quality in a small city: criteria pollutants, volatile organic compounds, metals, and microbes
Gabriela Viteri,Alfonso Aranda,Yolanda Díaz de Mera,Ana Rodríguez,Diana Rodríguez,Nuria Rodríguez-Fariñas,Nicolas Valiente,Susana Seseña
Abstract:This work presents a year-long integral study of air quality parameters in Ciudad Real, a small city in the center of Spain, and its influence on the nearby national park, Las Tablas de Daimiel. The study covers meteorological parameters and criteria pollutants such as O3, NO, NO2, SO2, and PM10. Additionally, for each month, a 1-week campaign was performed sampling air in sorbent tubes with 8-h time resolution to analyze anthropogenic volatile organic compounds and the effects of seasons, daytime, and working-weekend days. During these campaigns, 24-h PM2.5 samples were also collected to measure the load of bacteria and fungi, as well as the trace concentrations of elements.The city and the national park NOx profiles showed that emissions from the town had a non-perceivable effect on the protected area. PM10 levels in Ciudad Real were influenced by Saharan intrusions, as was the national park; however, Ciudad Real had a higher contribution from anthropogenic sources. Ozone levels were lower in the city during the cold season due to the higher concentration of NOx and have not changed significantly in the last decade.The VOCs with higher average concentrations were toluene, m,p-xylene, benzene, methylene chloride, and o-xylene, with traffic being the main source of these pollutants in the city. For benzene and carbon tetrachloride levels, weak carcinogenic risks were estimated. In PM2.5, the most abundant metals were Na, Zn, Mg, Ca, Al, Fe, and K. The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks estimated from the levels of the studied metals were negligible. Bacterial and fungal counts positively correlated with the concentration of PM2.5. Microbial community composition showed seasonal variability, with the dominance of human pathogenic bacteria which correlated with certain pollutants such as SO2. Bacillus and Cutibacterium were the most abundant genera.